RAW Connoisseur is one of RAW's personal favorites. Each Connoisseur pack includes 32 RAW Unrefined papers, 32 RAW Unrefined Tips, and their unique outer sleeve with natural rubber band to keep your packaging nice and secure.
It is a pure, clean tasting smoke that is best described as natural, light and pure. It contains a hybrid blend of unbleached (not chlorine whitened) fibers, the paper is a translucent natural light brown color. RAW also have there own exclusive cross pattern watermark, which minimizes runs and odd burning of the papers for a more even burning smoking experience. Hold these beautifully translucent papers up to the light and you see the natural colour and thinness of these rolling papers! A true artisan rolling paper in every sense of the word with over 100 years of history poured lovingly into every packet of natural rolling papers produced.