This appears to be a decorative water pipe, sometimes referred to as a bong. Here’s a detailed description of the product:
*Product Description:*
- *Material:* Likely glass & ceramic.
- *Color:* Predominantly blue with various colorful embellishments.
- *Design Elements:*
- *Rainbow Spiral:* A rainbow-colored spiral wraps around the body of the pipe.
- *Embellishments:* The pipe is adorned with various decorations including hearts, flowers, clouds, and smiley faces, all in vibrant colors.
The surface appears to have a textured finish, adding a tactile element to the design.
- *Shape:* Classic beaker or straight tube style commonly seen in water pipes, with a broad base for stability.
- *Functionality:*
- *Bowl:* The pipe includes a bowl for placing the herbs.
- *Mouthpiece:* Located at the top for inhaling the smoke.
- *Carb/Downstem:* Inclusion of a glass joint likely for a downstem, which is used to draw the smoke through the water.